AMD Ryzen 5700G & 5600G Now Available At Newegg

CPUs, News

Great news for gamers who simply can’t find a reasonably fast graphics card at a reasonable price: AMD’s Ryzen 7 5700G and Ryzen 5 5600G are now available at Newegg. Before you slam on the breaks at the thought of using integrated graphics, remember that these have Radeon Vega 8 compute units, though only 8 and 7 respectively.

Not long ago we saw a certain reviewer named Linus lament that the previous 4000-G series was not available to the public, and he even put up the numbers to prove that it was sufficient for entry-level gaming in light of the dire GPU shortage that lead to its consideration. He even showed a sneaky way around AMD’s end-user embargo, via a site that allowed users to buy those previous-generation parts when paired with a compatible motherboard. And compatibility is key, as the cheap and modern A520 chipset doesn’t support earlier 3000-G series processors. Those who can’t use the 3000-G and can’t buy the 4000-G series now have a viable solution.

And viable these are! A quick Google search reveals performance advancements of up to 25% for the newer integrated graphics cores. So while these might not bowl anyone over with their 3d prowess, the new models are at least an expansion upon the previous version’s entry-level sufficiency.

So what do we recommend? To begin with, both integrated-graphics models live with half the cache of their X-series namesakes, and both give up PCIe 4.0 compatibility for the lighter power load of PCIe 3.0. Since we’re already giving up things like the fastest available M.2 drive interface, we’d call these a great excuse to economize on chipset selection with a PCIe 3.0 motherboard. That level of economization pushes us away from the $370, 8-core Ryzen 7 and into the fold of the $260, 6-core Ryzen 5 5600G.

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