Newegg Asks Customers To Abide By Its 12900K NDA

CPUs, News

Newegg delivered some of its Intel Alder Lake desktop processors early, which only becomes a problem if its customers talk. Companies that receive early technology samples are commonly required to sign Non Disclosure Agreements with a release date, and can be sued if found responsible for the leaking of any details restricted within that agreement.

Core i9-12900K Retail Boxed CPU
Newegg delivered this 12th-gen Core i9 to Reddit user notabot0100

Newegg could have a lot to lose, with penalties that include the potential removal of a company from Intel’s early delivery list being common. We can only imagine the fallout of a site as large as Newegg being excluded from a product launch! It makes sense then that Newegg sent messages to its early customers asking them not to disclose performance data ahead of its November 4 NDA release, even though it knows that customers who have already received early samples are under no obligation to the retailer.

We look forward to a flood of early reviews over the weekend, followed by professional reviewers publishing their own data once the dam has broken. That’s another thing about NDAs: They’re no longer binding once the information being withheld becomes public.

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